Kontrolloni nëse pajisja juaj pranon eSIM

Zbuloni shpejt nëse pajisja juaj iOS ose Android pranon eSIM. Kërkoni ose zgjidhni sistemin operativ më poshtë.

Filtroni sipas modeleve të paisjeve

Check our list of compatible phones to see if your device, whether it's a phone, tablet, laptop, or any other gadget, is compatible with eSIM.

The devices that work with eSIM

KudoSim: The Most Advanced Mobile Internet Service for Your Phone!

Stay connected with Kudo

Kudo eSIM SIM Plans

It works everywhere on every continent in the world. Connect to the internet in Europe, USA, Asia, Africa, anywhere!

No Roaming Fees!

Travel freely everywhere without the fear of unexpected bills.

Your SIM card remains active.

Using the KUDO eSIM service allows you to simultaneously use your physical SIM card for receiving calls and SMS.

Instant Activation!

No need for procedures, activation is done instantly upon payment.

All Right Reserved By KudoSim L.LC

KudoSim L.L.C. is a US-based company headquartered in the state of Delaware, operating on a global scale in 190 different countries. This company provides reliable services backed by US licenses and in full compliance with the legislation of the state of Delaware.
  • LIVE CHAT+1 874 12221 11info@kudosim.com
  • New Castle Landing DriveDelaware DE 19709United States